At BKL, we have been committed to innovation for over 50 years. This has now also been acknowledged by the expert panels of several business and innovation awards: in 2024, BKL Baukran Logistik GmbH was once again named one of Germany's most innovative SMEs by WirtschaftsWoche financial magazine – for the fifth year in a row.

The family-owned company thereby maintained its pioneering status. In June 2020, BKL made the “Top 100”, then received the “Grand Prix of Medium-Sized Enterprises” in September and was added for the first time to the list of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises compiled by WirtschaftsWoche. At the end of the year, making the grade as one of “Bavaria's Best 50” rounded off BKL's impressive track record.

The awards encourage our efforts in continuing to develop new ideas and optimise our range of services to meet the needs of our customers. This means that, not only can you hire and purchase more than 600 modern cranes at BKL, you can also benefit from numerous services, such as our digital "Crane Finder" and our app "Mein BKL".


In August 2024, BKL achieved a top spot for the fifth time in the ranking published by WirtschaftsWoche magazine. The crane specialist successfully competed against over 4,000 other companies surveyed for the “Innovation Champions 2024” study.

Consistently high innovative drive.
WirtschaftsWoche and Munich Strategy had already honoured BKL as one of the most innovative SMEs in 2020 to 2023. The annual ranking reflects the development of profit and sales as well as the innovative drive of the participating SMEs.

Always ahead of the field when it comes to technology.
Just one example: In September 2023, BKL presented the new "Crane Finder 2.0". The update of the well-known crane finder not only shows possible cranes for a project, but also allows direct enquiries of the individually configured crane. In addition, our crane experts are now also available via live chat. Crane Finder

BKL Film receives German Business Film Award 2022.

The video "Why our customers sleep better", shot in cinema quality, prevailed in the top three against more than 70 entries in the category "Economy well presented".

BKL film "Why our customers sleep better".
With strong images, a good pinch of thrills and a high entertainment factor, the film tells the story of a crane operation in Frankfurt. While two 450-tonne mobile cranes are lifting steel girders on a high-rise building, something unusual happens on the construction site. The mobile crane drivers react with a quick mind and ensure a happy ending.

55th German Business Film Award.
The German Business Film Award is one of the oldest German film prizes. It is presented annually by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. The competition aims to deepen the public's knowledge of economic contexts. The award ceremony took place on 25 October at the Tipi at the Federal Chancellery in Berlin.


On 11 December 2020, the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs honoured BKL as a particularly fast-growing SME. The "Bavaria's Best 50" award honours companies that have been able to significantly increase the number of their employees and their turnover over the last five years.

Ministry of Economics acknowledges outstanding growth of BKL.
The "Bavaria's Best 50" award honors companies that have achieved outstanding growth in the number of their employees and their sales over the last five years. The award from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs was presented on December 11 2020. Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger particularly praised the innovative strength and willingness to perform of all the award-winning companies.

Due to the pandemic-related restrictions, the usual award ceremony did not take place. BKL Managing Directors Robert Popp, Jörg Hegestweiler and Franz Schwaiger (from left to right) presented the coveted bavarian porcelain lion on the new 700-tonnes LTM 1650-8.1 mobile crane.


As one of the winners, we prevailed over around 5,000 nominees. The prize of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation is one of the most coveted business awards for SME in Germany. In 2020, the competition was held under the motto "Setting Milestones".

Setting milestones – for over 50 years.
"For more than 50 years it is BKL's philosophy to set milestones and thus not only drive the company forward but also the development of the industry. We are particularly pleased that BKL is being honoured with this award and are happy to proudly receive it on behalf of the BKL team," explained Jörg Hegestweiler and Robert Popp, the managing directors of BKL present at the award ceremony.

The way to the top of the industry.
This was the title of the laudation. It highlighted BKL's successful development from a regional crane dealer to one of the largest full-service providers of crane solutions in Europe. In addition to our regional commitment, the jury also praised our crane app "Mein BKL", the consulting and planning services and our training programme.

Picture: Boris Löffert/OPS Netzwerk GmbH


As of 19 June 2020, BKL Baukran Logistik GmbH is officially a Top 100 SME in Germany. BKL came out on top throughout the scientific selection process, especially in the category "Innovative Processes/Organization". In fact, we made the Top 10 in this category, despite competition being particularly intense this year, according to the event organizer.

Innovation is BKL's DNA and driving force.
"We are proud to now officially be one of the most future-oriented medium-sized companies in Germany. Because innovation is the DNA and motor of BKL," explains Jörg Hegestweiler, Managing Director of BKL.
The award ceremony was cancelled this year. Science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar therefore congratulated the winners by video. The scientific director of Top 100, Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke, also explained by video what BKL was awarded for.

Source: Top 100 and BKL.
BKL works daily on new innovations.
Jörg Hegestweiler explains: "Being a pioneer is our claim. This applies to what BKL has been doing for over 50 years in terms of crane technology and service, but also to how we do it. And we work daily to drive forward further pioneering developments".

from left to right: Robert Popp (CTO), Jörg Hegestweiler (CEO) und Franz Schwaiger (CFO) with the Top 100 award.


Always at hand with the free "Mein BKL" application: technical data sheets, contacts and services for all aspects of our cranes. Free for Apple iOS (from version 10).


Crane Hire
Consultancy & Logistics
Crane Sales

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BKL - Ansprechpartner Marketing

Veronika Leger

Marketing & Pressebüro